Sunday, January 20, 2008

Where did u go?

So you know those nites you spent endlessly... screaming songs, driving crazy, driving across town to get SWEET tea, emo dancing in the car, watching shooting stars til the wee hours in the morning... to only see 3, cuddling cause it was cool (w/ ur friends not lovers), Wal*Mart!, stuffing as many people in a car, ENERGY DRINKS, Japanese fire drills, "sneaking out" w/ parental permission, polar bear swimming, BEING YOUNG and HAVING FUN!

Yea i remember those nites with all of you... i remember when you where just a fone call away. Yes those nites when nothing else mattered, as long as we had fun! So now i look back... but 15 years old and think of all the things i have enjoyed so far... with people who are now... GONE! No not by death, but perhaps choice. We have grown apart... i miss that, tho i am just 15 in my few years of becoming a teenager, i have had the best nites with you guys, and sometimes i miss the ones i used to chill with.

I see you online, myspace or messenger, but we dont talk. We pass in the store and it is like we r merely strangers. I wonder what happened to those "you gonna be my child god-parent" or "how about getting married the same day?". I miss those friends. I mean come on i did not think this would hit me so young, I knew i would gain and lose friends... but when i knew that would happen... i did not think it would be so soon

It is not even like we dont talk cause we got in a fight or a falling out... it is like we just dont talk. Do i try to talk to you or just let you be a missed memory? Do i let the times we had together be part of the past? I dont know what to do, I want to have you back as a friend and close friend at that for the rest of my teenage years... and so on! I wish i knew what to do. Maybe there is some sort of hard feeling... i dont know. Maybe one day you will just walk back into my life and the rest will be history. Or maybe things will never be the same : \

On the other end of the spectrum

I have gained so many friends in the past year or so... Some that i hope to cherish for life! Some who now mean the world to me and i could not live without... you know who you are!

Then there is those friends i have ad for years now... people who i love with all my heart... people who have been there.... thru the ups and the very lows... the ones that said they would be there.... and that are there... thru it all! I think i own the biggest things to you... most of you walked into my life when things were the hardest and lead me to where i am today... not saying where i am today is the best, but saying that you have been there for me. so thanks, thanks for the joys, thanks for the endless nites to come and thanks most of all for being there for the time you have... never for get you guys have been my heroes and continues to inspire me to be who i want to be... which is getting easier day by day!

So to those ones who have walked out of my life... maybe think of joining back on... i got many teenage years to come and hope to share them with you. To those who have just recently came into my life... well continue on the journey... its sure to be a good one. Finally to those of you who have been by me for years now, plzzzz continue to be right beside me... and dang it lets party!!!! Its time to life this up, time to forget the drama involved in life.

Just felt like i needed a blog headed to all those people who have molded me into the person i am... inspired me to be a better person... and gave me a life in which i can enjoy!


( ima dork... i know)

Friday, January 18, 2008

Have u ever felt that everything is your fault? I do all the time... when i know it is not... i still on the inside take on the pain of everything being my fault.I have to admit after years of taking on the guilt of everything, it hurts. I know i should not feel bad about the choices i have made lately... but i do feel i have put unneeded stress on people who i love! It kills me cause i know the only reason people r doing things for me is cause they love me... but i guess it is just natural for me to feel bad about things in the end i cant control.


Many time i even take on things that have nothing to do with my life... i will internally stress over a topic that means NOTHING to the world... i guess it is just my personality and if i could change it i would... some people say that i am just a caring person... i never knew caring could hurt me so much... (<--- that has nothing to do with the first part of this blog)

Well today i kinda vented on one of the best friends... he pretty much told me to ..... shut Up and let him talk. So while he sat and typed to me about how people make sacrifices for people they love.... it hit me... these people are doing this cause they care, they r putting their life on hold to make me happy... which kills me cause i have always felt i don't deserve people doing anything for me...

* caring for me
* taking up for me
* putting there life on hold
* even... loving me
* ANYTHING for me

I think it is one of my biggest down falls is thinking people should not give a crap about me... I think here lately my eyes have been open to the simple fact... people do care for me, people will take up for me, people that love me will put their life on hold for me, and people... no matter how much i might hate it... will love me!

I think more things will hit me as i grow up and i will have to settle that no matter what people r gonna be there for me even if i don't want it... i think another issue i have is when people say they are there for me... 9 times out of 10 they r speaking the truth...

If all my teenage years turn out to be as big of a learning experience as my 15th year... then i will be set to hit the world when i become an adult.

I guess it is time to thank the people who help me so much... they know who they are... and if u r not so sure then you most likely are not... which means you only make life harder... but if you don't think u particularly make my life harder then just ask... I'm a pretty blunt person and will tell you!

Sorry for the extended blog... but if you got all the way down here i will leave you with a joyful pic!


Reasoning for this blog...

So to start off... i have read blogs that well to tell u the truth...

It gets annoying when your reading about one thing and then it changes...
well that is what mine is gonna be... but that is just who i am!
My blog will include topics that can to a point be random and immature... while others will have a sense of "grown-up" maturity.
I want to make a blog i can look back on and say " i remember that day" or "gosh life sucked for me that day"... and one day when i get old and gray and have more time on my hands i will turn this Blog into a book for the memories, including comments... so def leave me stuff!
I think this blog will turn into something that involves the happening at my school
  • - CECHS
  • - Things that happen on my Myspace
  • - ... and just normal High school/College topics

I suck at grammar... I can't spell AT ALL!... but thanks to Firefox spell check im sure i wont have 2 many typos

So yea... just follow along... tag me to ur blog if u would like... and leave comments
Lets get to know each other... just say hey.. :)
Love much,
